I'm a woman 25 years old,, and reside in Dabo,, a small island in Kep. Riau,. Having a boyfriend 27 years old,, who live in jakarta,. Our distance as so far is 669 km,, in a matter of hours,, with thousands of feet altitude,. This situation forced us to long distance relationship for more than 3 years,.
Now I work in one of the government agencies,. So also to my boyfriend who works in his city,, and are completing his education,. This situation is difficult for us to seek common ground,. Racked the brain to find a solution for shorten the distance,. Finally I decided a plan to move at his city,.
And now I'm preparing myself to do my plan,. I hope someday I can settle and work there,, until finally we can have a little family together,. :)
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